Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Everyone had to rise early this morning so we could get going with our last full day in D.C. After loading the buses with our suitcases we headed to Arlington.  Once we were in Arlington we visited JFK's gravesite, stopped by Arlington House, and watched the Changing of the Guards. The students were all pretty amazed with the Changing of the Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. They enjoyed learning that they took 21 steps and waited 21 seconds between each pace.  Many students found the requirements of being a guard interesting.  

From Arlington we drove past Iwo Jima. We were unable to get off the bus to get close because the typical parking and path are under construction. 

Next we headed to the World War II Memorial. The students were able to explore the memorial and search for Iowa's pillar and Kilroy.  Many were excited because the fountains were on. Earlier this week when we visited the Lincoln Memorial the reflecting pool had not been filled but today it was. 

Our last big stop of the trip was to the Newseum.  There were some great exhibits in this museum.  Personally, I enjoyed the Politzer Prize Photography room. It is amazing how a photograph can tell such an incredible story.   

We are now making our way to the Baltimore Airport. Pictures of the day will be added later. We should be back to Clarke around midnight/12:30. See you then! 

PS. I just realized yesterday's pictures didn't post, so they are posted now.

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